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Limited Edition Retro 51 for Anderson Pens!

Franklin-Christoph Black Cherry


 It's the last of the new Franklin-Christoph inks, and it's a really good one. Looking like a dark maroon in the right light/nib, but almost like a black in most other nibs or lights, this ink is very cool.

Thanks goes to Franklin-Christoph for allowing me to review these inks for them. (All opinions are mine, however.)
Who doesn't like a dark, not-black ink that flows really well and behaves itself on weak office paper?

Written Review


 As I said above, I really like the color of this ink, so I kept taking pictures of it. These are all taken in indirect sunlight. My favorite source of light.
 Below you'll see some shading in the first couple of pens, but it's almost completely missing in the Panther 40's big, wet nib. I can't for the life of me remember whether this is a broad stub or a broad italic. Stub, I think?

Color comparisons

 Three of the Franklin-Christoph inks represented above, and all excellent inks. The blue and black are just there to round out the set.

Copy Paper Test
 There's a touch of bleed on this paper, but it's fairly inconsistent paper. Good for lazer printing, but not for inks, I think. That's why I use it as an almost worst case paper. I think the ink performed pretty well.

More Color Comparisons!

This is a thing I've been meaning to do more of, so I'll start here. I have been in the process of cataloging my inks on these word cards for a while, and that'll let me do some more focused comparisons in the future. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Video Review and Water Test

This is an ink that I really like. It's interesting, and I don't think that I have anything like it in my collection. It performs well in all of the pens that I've had it in, and it is formal enough to use in most any situation, I'd think. Now that the review is done, I'll have to clean out most of those pens so that I can use other inks, but this is going to be one that stays in the rotation for a long while.

Check it out at Franklin-Christoph's site where it goes for $12.50 in a 2oz bottle.

Raffle Winner!

Hi folks,

Firstly, thanks very much for entering my raffle! There were 1,523 entries, and there are 116 comments on that blog post and it was viewed 2012 times. That's pretty amazing.

Secondly, thanks goes out to Anderson Pens for providing the pen for me to give away through my little blog. That was super nice of them!

 And third....The winner is....

mjh215! Congrats, Matthew! (Look for my email in your in-box and I'll talk to you soon.)

To all of my new visitors, I hope you enjoy the blog, and I hope you'll stick around to see what I've got coming up soon around here.

Platinum Carbon Black


Thanks for sending this ink our for review, Luxury Brands

The Platinum Carbon Black ink is a pigmented ink, and not a dye-based ink. It's got a matte sheen to it, and it will smear a bit if you lay it down heavily enough, but it's got some really strong water-proof qualities. On good paper (like the coated Rhodia that I use for reviews) this ink is super dark and it behaves itself very well. On copy paper, well, that's a different story. It has a tendency to spread, feather, and bleed.

Not the best behavior, but I'm thinking that this ink is meant to be used in specific circumstances where a person needs a line to be water-fast. Perhaps for art projects where the paper is thick and water might be involved? It's not really my bag, but I've seen people who use all sorts of ink-washing on their journals and planners. I bet this ink would be stellar for that sort of thing. Do you writing, do your ink-wash, keep organized? I bet it works.

Written Review


Copy-Paper Tests!

 This is where the ink disappoints. I love how deep the black is, but that bleed-through...

 I don't usually show the back of the Rhodia page in these reviews. Almost nothing will show through that paper, so there's usually no point. This time, though, there's some bleed through on the back where I smeared the ink. It's not much, but it's not absent, either. Put enough of this on the page and it'll bleed through.

Color Comparisons!

It turns out that I had several black inks available, and that's really convenient. Carbon might be the blackest black of them all, but Kiwa-Guro seems to have more shine to it. 


Two pigmented blacks side-by-side.

Water Drop Test!  Review Video!

Here's the spoiler for that video, with a bonus comparison to Sailor's Kiwa-Guro.

Left: Platinum Carbon
Right: Sailor Kiwa-Guro

I received this ink from Luxury Brands for review, and they don't sell directly. You can find this one at your favorite Platinum dealer. I suggest Anderson Pens , where you can get it in bottles, samples, or cartridges. Probably a sample or a set of cartridges would be the best with this ink.

A poll for upcoming ink reviews

Staedtler Royal Blue

Thanks go to Corey at Staedtler for sending this ink out for review. All opinions (as usual) are mine.

 This is an ink that I didn't know existed until the DC Pen Show. In talking to Corey about their fountain pens (which look really cool to me), he said that he could send out some ink for me to try out. This blue is the first of those. I was sent both bottles and cartridges, and I tried out both of them.

As expected, they were the same. Shocker, right?

Royal Blue is actually a really good ink. It's a little under-saturated, so it looks pale in the nibs that I used it in. The stub nib on the Conklin is a little on the wet side, but this ink is pretty controlled. I wouldn't call it dry, though. It always starts and never had any flow issues. The fake Montblanc has a nib that's marked "F", but it's more like a medium stub. It's also sort of wet, and the smaller nib concentrates the ink a bit more, so Royal Blue looks darker from that nib.

This ink is also a little on the purple side. It looks more purple when it's fresh on the page, but it dries to something more like a cobalt color. It's pretty cool. A little more saturation would be fine with me, though.

The best thing about this ink, though, is that it behaves itself really well on low-end copy paper. Almost no bleed, feather, or spread on my test paper. Pretty impressive!

Written Review!


Above: SHEEN! You'd have to put it down pretty thick to get this sheen, but it does look rad.

Color Comparisons!

Shocking blue is pretty hot. It's coming up soon.

The Bottle
This is a pretty nice bottle. It's a bit shallow, but it's deep enough to accommodate a large nib.

Is this picture necessary? Nope. It looks cool, though, so it got included.

Copy Paper Test!

Look at that! Hooray for good behavior on copy paper!

A whole bunch of ink swatches!

I went through my ink swatches and found some that are close to this Royal Blue. Kaweco Blue is fairly close, but it lacks the sheen that Staedtler exhibits.

I'd say that Royal Blue is somewhere in the middle of Ajisai and Visconti Blue.

Bungbox Sapphire isn't that close, but it's pretty so I included it.


Not much to this one. It's blue.

Water Drop Test and Video Review!

So, I really like this one. It's going to make it into the rotation, I think. We'll have to see how the black ink shows up. They only make a blue and a black right now. I hope they expand that line soon.

Currently Inked!

I'm working on a review of the Sailor 1911S, but I was inspired to do this post by the monthly posts on Fountain Pen Quest. He's only got 6-8 inked this month, and I have....more than that. Like, way more.

The lighting is a little wonky, but it's been dark and rainy here. No natural light for me!

I'm happy to take questions about pens or inks! When you see an ink in more than one pen, that usually means that I'm working on a review. Or I just love that ink. There are a few of those like that.

The Sailor 1911 Standard (Demonstrator)


This review has been a long time coming. Ron at Pen Chalet was kind enough to send this out to me for review ages ago, and it's taken me until now to review it. That's not usually how it goes, but there was a bit of an issue with this pen, and it needed some TLC before I could really review it. More about that later, but suffice to say that it was weird and not something for you to worry about if you want to get one of these pens.


Sailor 1911 Standard
Street Price: ~$156
Available colors: Lots of them.
Nibs: XF, F, M, B, MF, Zoom, and Music. 
Trim: 24k gold
Inclusions: 2 cartridges and a Sailor converter.


The Sailor box is a big, substantial box that would make a nice presentation box. It's a dark navy (midnight?) blue with gold trim and the name and logo in gold.

Oh. Look. My cereal made it into the picture. Sure, I could have cropped it out. I didn't, though.

Inside, it's a white silk lining with the name and logo again. There's a little removable bed/pillow thing with a strap on it. Pretty typical, but the box is pretty nice. Not the nicest box I have (that honor goes do a Delta Fusion 82), but it's better than lots of them.

Under that pillow you'll find the paperwork, cartridges and the converter. I really like when a box has this space under the pen. It's irritating that some don't because you just have cartridges and such rattling around in there. Hooray for hidden spaces!


I really like the way that this pen looks. That was a surprise, as I usually shy away from gold furniture. Sometimes it's just a gold colored plating that ends up looking cheap. Not so, this pen! It's 24k plating and it looks rad. There will be lots of pictures of this pen. It's hard not to take pictures of it. 

Yeah. This is the same picture as the one at the top of the page. So what. Wanna fight about it?

The nib on this pen is also kinda pretty. It's not the best-looking Sailor nib (I really love the two-tone ones the best), and it's a little bit busy, but there's something about it that I really like. I don't know what it is, but it calls to me.

 The body of the pen is transparent, so you can see some things that you generally wouldn't. The inner parts of the cap, the threads where the body meets the end of the pen, the threads where the nib unit screws into the grip section. The body also seems to be fairly tough. I post this pen (it's a little short if I don't) and I I can't see any scratches or scuffs.

The following is a gratuitous nib-shot.

I like the detail on the tip of the cap. It's difficult to photograph, but there is a column of clear plastic in the finial that makes it look very interesting from the top-down view. The clip has a graceful shape and it works just as it should. It clips on pockets and plackets just fine. Quite secure without being too tight to function.

The big gold band at the waist of this cap is a very nice touch. Full disclosure, I don't love it on the solid-color pens, but it's really attractive on this transparent one. It adds just the right break-up between the cap and the barrel when it's capped. It reads "Sailor Japan Founded 1911" around the band. Good font. Good placement. Looks great.

The only draw-back to a clear demonstrator pen is that this tends to happen. After a fresh fill (and a ride in my pocket), some ink leaked onto the nib and collected at the base of this inner cap. It was easy enough to clean out when I removed the inner cap with the eraser end of a pencil. Hey, who said pencils aren't useful?

Nib Performance

This was where the issue was. When I received the pen, it did not want to write. It was kind of okay on the down-strokes and the left-to-right strokes, but it just didn't do much of anything on the up-stroke or the right-to-left stroke.

I've had this problem with pens before, and I thought it was probably a badly adjusted nib or something. So, I got it to my friend Jim Rouse who had offered to take a look at it for me. Super grateful for that. He has a ton of experience with fountain pens.

I also thought it might have something to do with the shape of the nib. It's a little odd, and I thought maybe it was a problem. Turns out that it isn't a problem at all. The nib was fine. The tipping is a little odd, but it's not defective. It's just got a slant to it.

The problem turns out to have been some glue that got onto the feed during production. They use a little bit of glue to keep the nib unit in the section, and that had gotten into the feed. It wrecked the ink flow, but Jim says that it came out easily when he put it in the ultrasonic cleaner. After that? It works perfectly. Hooray!

The flow is a little on the wet side, and the nib angle takes a little getting used to, but neither of these are problems.

How's it Feel?

It feels really good. The pen is light, but not too light. The length is a little short on this model, but it posts really well so I use it that way. The section is a little bit small, but I have large hands so I often feel that way. It measures at around 10mm at the section, and I generally like about 11-12mm. It's just a shade narrower than I prefer. No big deal for anyone who doesn't have big hands. If you have big hands, then you might like the large sized model better. It's more expensive, but more comfortable for some folks.


The following pictures are a bunch of comparisions to other pens that people might have in their collections. I'll let the pictures do the talking, but please feel free to ask questions in the comments section.

These next couple are a bit over-exposed. I don't know what the deal was, but I had issues making my camera behave for these. I think it was a combination of too much sunlight and too much shiny metal.

Esterbrook J, Sailor 1911S, Sailor Pro Gear

Faber-Castell Ondoro, Sailor 1911S, Sailor Pro Gear

Ugh. So washed out. Just look at these for size comparisons. They're all more beautiful in real life.

Here's the gold 1911 nib next to the two-tone Pro Gear nib. See what I mean? That two-tone is hot. The regular one is nice, though.

Video Review
 This is a super-long video review (for me), but it's not half bad.


I try not to tell people to buy pens that I've been sent for review at no charge. I can tell you that this pen is pretty great, though. I had some issues in the beginning, but that was a fluke that I've never heard of before. I know lots of Sailor owners, and none of them have had any problems. Buy with confidence. 

The only real issue that you might have with Sailor pens is the size. The low-cost ones are on the small side, and they might not be great for folks with large hands. That said, the nibs are great. They're typically nails, but that's fine if they write well. I don't really want flexible nibs most of the time anyway.

Find this at any place that sells Sailor pens. Check them out at Pen Chalet!

***This pen was sent to me at no charge for review, but all impressions in this review are my own and uninfluenced.***

Staedtler Black


Hi folks! This is the other ink in the Staedtler line, generously provided by Corey at Staedtler. Thanks Corey!

Like Aurora, Staedtler is only running two inks at this point. I reviewed their Royal Blue ink a little while ago, and I really liked it. It's a little under-saturated, but it flows consistently, and it performs so well on copy paper that the lack of saturation is totally forgivable.

The black ink shares several of these qualities. It's a little under-saturated, but not to the point of appearing grey. It performs super well on copy paper, just like the blue does. Unfortunately, it's a little too dry. As I say in the written portion below, black inks can have a difficult time standing out. The space in that hue is much tighter than it is in the blue range. Black inks have to rely on their saturation and performance, alone. So, this ink is a bit of a mixed bag.

Written Review


Bottles and Such

You can get this ink in bottles or international cartridges.

The wind was really strong when I was taking these pictures, and it ripped this little card right out of my hand and into the lily "pond". The effects on this card don't bode well for its water-resistance.

Color Comparisons

Fortunately, I had a couple of my favorite black inks to compare to this one. Kiwa-Guro is my favorite black ink, and Dark Matter is one of my go-to inks even if it's not as well-loved as Aurora's black ink. Staedtler does have an edge on those two when it comes to performance on weak paper's, though.

Copy Paper Test

There's just a touch of bleed with this ink on Staples' 20lb copy paper, but we can probably chalk that up to a weak spot in the paper.


I'm always a little surprised by the complexity of a black ink.

Video Review and Water Drop Test

I like my black inks dark and saturated, so Staedtler's offering isn't really my style. I'm sure it's going to have plenty of fans, though. 

Thanks for sending this ink out for review, Corey!

Akkerman #5 Shocking Blue

Put this on your Christmas list!

A little while ago, I posted a poll on the blog. It asked what ink brands you wanted to see the most, and it was nearly a tie between Akkerman and Bungbox. That's fine with me! I have (I think) a complete set of Akkerman samples from Anderson Pens, and I'm happy to have an excuse to dive into those little vials.

This blue is pretty shocking. (Sorry. Couldn't help it.) On fancy papers (like the Rhodia I used here), you can barely make out the blue color. It's almost completed obliterated by the crazy amount of sheen on top of the ink. It's a purple/red sheen on top of a dark blue ink. You can see a bit of this sheen (just barely) on copy paper, but it really changes character on Rhodia.

Written Review



Color Comparisons

On a Maruman Card

It kinda matches the sky! I'm not sure why it looks so light on this card. It didn't come out light in either of the pens that I used it in. Different papers, you know.

Copy Paper Test

Pretty impressive performance, actually. I thought that this one was going to do more bleeding, but it didn't really do much of that. There's a little bit of bleed from the Panther sample, but that was written with a big, wet nib.


Water Drop Test and Video Review

This ink is fairly expensive, at $29 for a 60ml bottle, but this ink looks expensive and the bottle it comes in is rad.
Picture from AndersonPens.com
In short, this ink rules if you like sheen and you're not going to get it wet. It doesn't play well with water, but very few inks have more sheen than this one. It's pretty rad.

Find this ink at Anderson Pens in 60ml bottles or 3ml samples. You'll have to follow these links to order online, or you can call Anderson Pens to order your ink. You won't find them on the regular site, though.

A Pen Lover's Last-Minute Christmas List!


So, this isn't my shopping list. Some of these are things that I already have. Some of them are things that I do want. Some of them are things that I don't want, but that I know other people are really psyched about.

If you've got a fountain pen lover in your family, or you'd like to make someone into a fountain pen lover, then check out these things. If you've got other ideas, then please let me know in the comments and I'll try to add them.


Pilot Pens:

The very popular Metropolitan has just been released in several new colors and patterns this season. At $15, this is a very good pen to start out with. It's also a fine pen to lure your friends and family into the hobby.


The new Eco is a great starter pen that I really enjoy using. At less than $30, it's a good pen at a great price. It also comes in lots of nib sizes, so there's something for everyone. These need to be filled from a bottle, so it would be a great combo gift.

Photo from AndersonPens.com

The 580AL in Blue is apparently a limited color, as it has been discontinued. It's a really nice looking color, and I haven't heard anyone with an idea why it was canceled. My guess is that the couldn't get the blue parts any longer.

Photo from AndersonPens.com

Aurora Ipsilons

I just reviewed this pen line a little while ago, and it's really good for the price. At just about $100, the Ipsilon line gets you a classy Italian pen whose parts are all made in the same factory in Italy.

Sailor Pens:

Looking for something more up-market? You can't go wrong with a Sailor. They've got some of the best nibs around. The nibs run about a size smaller than you might expect, as is the case with most Japanese nibs. There are lots of different types of Sailor pens, and prices start around $150 and go up to around a $1000.

I reviewed the 1911 Standard here. It's a pretty sweet pen, and the Pro Gear I have is excellent as well. These come in a Sky Blue form, as well, and that's really cool.

Photo from AndersonPens.com
Looking to make an impression (and have a pile of money sitting around)? Get someone a King of Pen. It's difficult to get an idea of the scale of this pen, on its own.  It's about the size of a Montblanc 149, so it's one of the biggest pens around.King.

Photo from AndersonPens.com


I really like this brand. They've got a couple of pens that are especially good in the low-middle price range, and their nibs are always excellent. The Loom comes in several colors, and sports a solid metal body for $40. The Ambition is a great pen for a lady. It's a little thin for me, I think, but it comes in several finishes and it ranges from $70-170.

The Ambition. Pic from AndersonPens.com
The Loom. Pic from AndersonPens.com

My favorite pen makers. They don't have anything in the low-price range, but all of their resin pens are made just down the road (and then down some other roads...) from me in NC. These are high quality pens that their makers stand behind. We've got a few of them in our collection, and they're our favorites. Audrey has as many (or more) of these than I do. Check out their styles. Seriously. Great pens. They don't pay me to say that.

The 03 Iterum. Pic from Franklin-Christoph.com
The Model 20 Marietta. Pic from Franklin-Christoph.com
The Model 02 Intrinsic. Pic from Franlin-Christoph.com


So...fountain pens aren't for everyone. Some people just want a ballpoint/rollerball because they are dead inside concerned with practicality.

To that end, check out the Retro 51 line. There are all sorts of styles, and it's a great quality pen for a really reasonable price. Help your family upgrade from a Bic.

Twinkle! Pic from AndersonPens.com


Pen lovers know that paper is as important as the pen and the ink. It's the other, other leg of the stool.

Rhodia is what I use all the time. I buy it when I see it in stores so that they'll know people want it. I use it for my reviews. Everything.

Maruman paper is one of those best kept secrets. It's not available in most places, but check it out. It's really good paper.

There this stuff called "WhiteLines" paper, and it seems rad. I've never tried it out, but I do like the look and the idea a lot.

Want something hand-made in the USA? Check out Write Notepads & Co. I blogged about them a few years back after meeting them at the DC show, and they make great notebooks. It's a family business that's something like 3 or 4 generations of bookbinders.  Buy from their siteor from Anderson Pens. Everything you buy there will trigger a donation of notebooks to schools in need. Each notebook comes with a code that will tell you where your specific donation went. Cool, right? Yep.

Finally, if you're looking for the cream of the crop, you should look to Tomoe River. It's the new hotness for fountain pen lovers. I haven't had a chance to use it, really, but it's supposed to be thin and awesome. It shows off an ink like nothing else. That's what I hear, anyway.

Accessories and Stocking Stuffers

Want to get someone in to the hobby without making a big deal of it? Want to give a user something that they're going to like? This is my favorite category for that.

Write Notes Ledgers
Little Write Notebooks? I haven't tried this size, but it looks like a good one.

Syringes with blunt needles
 So, I sent my mom one of these for a birthday (I think), and she was dubious until I told her what it was for. They're good for filling up pens without any mess at all. You can refill a cartridge if you want to. The possibilities are ENDLESS. (Okay, there's an end, but it's still a good gift.)

Bulb syringes
This may seem silly, but it's the business for cleaning out your pens. So much better than just running it under the faucet or using a converter. 

Pen Flush
Want that pen extra clean? Use pen flush. Sure, you can make it yourself, but this JB's is perfectly mixed, safe, and awesome.

Thank You Cards
It's a bit of a tradition in my family for some people to give other people thank you cards. And stamps. It's a polite reminder that your family really likes to hear that you like the stuff they got you. You can find some pen-related ones from the Proper Pads collection. I use them, though not as much as I should.

Platinum Preppy
Know a kid? Someone who is dubious about fountain pens, but might like them? Someone who uses Varsity pens, and needs an inexpensive upgrade? The nibs on these are much better than other pens in the price range, and the ink is a winner. Takes a proprietary cartridge, but that's not a big deal.

Annnnd I'm done. That's what I can think of right now. If you've got other ideas, post them in the comments!

*** Edits!***

I forgot to add cases to this list. The Monteverde 36-pen case is pretty sweet if you need to store a bunch of pens. Nock Co.'s Brasstown and Lookout are good options for transporting a few pens. Franklin-Christoph has an array of more up-scale pen  storage and carrying accessories. The Penvelopes are especially cool, and very sturdy. They used to have a really impressive display case sort of thing, too, but I don't see it on the site any longer. 

Sailor Bungbox Omaezaki Sea

Following up Akkerman's Shocking Blue isn't easy, but this one is in the same vein, so it's next!

I don't have many of these Bungbox inks (because they're expensive and hard to get in the US), but my friends at the Triangle Pen Club sometimes give me samples of inks that I don't have, and I'm super-grateful for that. Pen folks are pretty great.

This ink is lot more blue than the Akkerman was. That's partly because it's got a lot less sheen and partly because it's a lighter hue. I actually like it a little more. On fancy papers, I think the Akkerman wins because of the absurd amount of sheen. On regular papers, though, I think the color of this one is more interesting.

Written Review


Copy Paper Test

Color Comparisons

That Sheen!

Pretty nice, eh?


Video Review and Water Drop Test

"Where've you been, Mike?"

Akkerman #10 Ijzer-Galnoten

Hi folks!
I'm back! I meant to be pack to regular posting much more quickly after xmas, but I got hit with a pretty terrible cold right after I posted that last video. If you watch the video at the bottom of the post you'll hear my awesome cough. That's the best I've sounded in a week. Yeah. And I'm a guy who talks for a living. It's been a rough week.

On to the ink!

The latest Akkerman ink I'm bringing you is an iron gall ink that  undergoes a massive color-shift as it dries. The smear on the left is about 3 days old, and the one on the right is fresh from the sample vial. Whoa, right? It goes from a really nice blue to a really nice blueish-grey. I actually really like the way that both of these colors look on the page. In the smears, the grey side looks like it might be a little too light to read, but it's really not.

Where this ink really stands out, though, is in the performance. It writes on weak paper without any bleed, feathering, or spreading. It dries quickly. It is totally waterproof. What else could you want?


Color Comparisons!

 Salix is another iron gall ink that's pretty commonly available in the US. It's not as dark as the Akkerman ink, but it performs similarly well on cheap papers.

The extra bit on the right side is a fresh squiggle of this ink for comparison. 

 Copy Paper Test!

 This is awesome, right? Not a bit coming through, even with broad, wet nibs. Perfect performance.

 I don't know what that brownish stain is, but maybe it's something that's not very visible in the ink? Otherwise, just blues with a touch of grey.

Water Test & Video Review

This is what that little grid looks like after water was applied. Nothing moved. There's a little tiny smear at the bottom center, but that's some fine water-resistance if you ask me.

Check this ink out at Anderson Pens. They provided these samples for review, and they're one of only a couple of places that sell this ink in the US. If you're in Netherlands, then get over to Akkerman's store.

This ink comes in a really cool 60ml bottle for $29 or a 3ml sample for $2. You won't find these listed on the regular site, so you'll have to follow my links. Tell them you came from my blog!

**While this ink was provided free for review purposes, everything above is based on my own use and observation. No cash changed hands, and I'm as unbiased as I can be.**

Montblanc Golden Yellow


So, I wasn't expecting to like this ink at all. It's yellow. My suspicion was that it was going to be too light for me to use for much of anything. In fact, it was the one limited edition from Montblanc that I was going to skip on purpose.

I sure am glad that Appelboom Pennen offered to send it to me for review. I'd have missed out on something really cool.

Golden Yellow is much more golden than it is yellow, I think. It's got an orange cast that reminds me of marigolds. I kinda love marigolds, so that's a huge plus for me. They're summery, they smell great, and they have all sorts of benefits to your garden. This isn't an ink that I'm going to use all the time, but it's certainly one that I'll use. I've been using it to grade some papers this last week, and it's pretty perfect for that.

Written Review


I took these pictures in some indirect sunlight today, and it makes the paper look just a little bit creamy. I think it's okay, though, as the ink color looks right. 

A Terrible Drawing of a Marigold:
 Whatever. It's not that bad.

Copy Paper Test

 One of the best things about this ink is that there's not even a little bit of bleed.

 It's the same sort of design as the Pink Ink that they did last year. It's also the same bottle that is pretty common in the limited edition line.


Color Comparisons

Extra color comparisons? I got those. 

I'm really excited about that Akkerman Oranje Boven. It's really striking.

Water Drop Test & Video Review

Thanks again to Appelboom for sending this out to me. It's a really interesting ink, and worth picking up if you're looking for an orangy-yellow for your collection. It comes in 30ml bottles for about $20 or so.

Diamine Majestic Blue


I originally bought this ink because someone commented that they'd heard that Akkerman #5 is just rebranded Majestic Blue. I've heard that sort of thing before, but I'd never been able to test it. So, over Christmas, I was in the DC area and found this ink at Bertram's Inkwell. It's not a bad buy, but it's not going to be my favorite blue. It's also almost certainly not a dupe of the Akkerman ink. (Not that one, anyway.)

The color is good, and it looks better on regular papers than it does on the coated papers (like Rhodia) because the sheen is so heavy on the fancy paper that it makes the blue difficult to see. The problem is Majestic Blue doesn't always behave itself on copy paper. It was okay in the medium nib, but when I moved to the broad stub it bled through. There were feathers from both nibs. It's not awful performance, but it's not great either. The other issue is that it seems to give me hard starts if I haven't used the pen in a day or so. (You can see that demonstrated in the video.) Once it gets going, though, it's a pretty wet ink.

Written Review


The Bottle

Copy Paper Test

Ink Comparisons! (Lots of them.)


Video Review

Check this one out at your favorite retailers. It comes in an 80ml bottle for $14-$15. I suggest Bertram's Inkwell or Anderson Pens. Both are great shops.

Delta Brown


It's been a while since I reviewed a brown ink, and I'd forgotten how much I like them. There's just something about the earthy richness of a good brown ink that I really like to see on the page. This is a very good brown, and one that maybe unique in my collection. I think the closest might be Franklin-Christoph's Brown 732, but the Delta ink is darker, I believe.

Aside from the great color, this ink also flows really well in both a fine medium nib and a big broad nib. It also behaves really well on copy paper, with just a couple of little bleeds from the broad nib and no bleeding at all with the medium.

Written Review


This ink doesn't seem to want to stick to my letter opener. Thus, the small swatch. It happens sometimes. It's probably something about surface tension or something, but I'm no physicist.

Copy Paper Test

 This is some really solid performance from this ink. There is a touch of bleed in some places from the broad nib, but that's not a big surprise. I'm surprised that there is so little bleed.


These are 30ml containers, according to Anderson Pens. It's odd that neither the bottle or the box advertise that fact. They're the same bottles that Pelikan and Kaweco use, though

Ink Comparisons!

Browns are a difficult color to pin down, and I have plenty of brown inks, so I've given you lots of comparisons. 

Video Review and Water Test

So, it's a great brown. One of those colors that is a little hard to quantify. The performance on copy papers is great, and I don't really have anything bad to say about the ink (aside from the poor water-resistance). It appears that this ink goes for $15 at Anderson Pens, and that's a little expensive for a bottle this size. It's in line with the Kaweco inks that are in the same bottles (and a bit more than the Pelikan inks), though, so it seems about par for the course. Import fees, I'd imagine.

Akkerman #16 Oranje Boven


So, I like orange things. Maybe not as much as RandomThinks on Instagram, but I do love me some orange. This ink is fully orange. It's not a shader and it doesn't have any sheen, but it is exactly the right shade and just the right saturation. So good. That's all for now. Enjoy the colors!

Written Review

All of the pictures in this post were taken in sunlight through my window. They're kinda sun-dappled.

Close Ups


Most of these are from pens that I dipped in the inks to test them. I don't actually have this many orange inks in pens right at the moment. That would be crazy. Ish.

 I've heard it said that Akkerman inks are just re-branded Diamine inks, but I'm not at all sure about that. I actually didn't know that I had Diamine Orange in my collection until I started looking for oranges to compare for this post. It's darn close, but Oranje Boven seems deeper, somehow.

 Uh...more of that...
Here are some more oranges to compare to Oranje Boven.

Copy Paper Test

 Not perfect performance, but pretty darn solid.

Video Review & Water Test

You can find this awesome orange ink in 60ml bottles and 3ml samples at Anderson Pens. They sent this ink out for me to review, and they're one of the only places in the US to find this ink. I'm getting a bottle, I think. (It's out of stock right now, but I hope it'll be back soon.) I'd say get a sample of this, at least.

Akkerman #7 Koninginne Nach-Blauw


 This is an ink that I've been using for a while. I was sort of holding off on writing the review for a bit because I wasn't really sure what I thought of it. As you'll see in the video (and the pictures below), I've used almost all of the 3ml sample that I got from Anderson Pens.

I was on the fence about this ink because its behavior varies so much depending on what you're using it in and on. As pen/ink nerds know, a writing experience is dependent upon three factors: paper, ink, & pen. In this case, you want a wet nib on Rhodia paper and a drier nib on more normal papers. You'll see more of this below.

So, what do I think of this ink? I kinda like it. I'm probably not going to go for a bottle, but if you really like the color, then there shouldn't be any reason not to go for it. 

Written Review

So, I decided to make the video for this review before I took the pictures. I dunno why. I think I just had to work off some nervous energy from buying some things that I'll show on the blog when they arrive. Anyway, I was doing the water test, and blasted water all up the center of the page. It's still legible, so that's good. Right? Science. 


The sample at the top is from the broad stub nib on my Panther 40, and it looks cool on the Rhodia. The one on the bottom is from the drier oblique medium nib of my Lamy Al-Star.  I don't think it looks nearly as nice. On the other hand, when you look at the copy paper test below, the Lamy sample look much better. So keep those things in mind when you're buying and using this ink. Nib/Paper choice is important.

Color Comparisons!
I didn't do a ton of comparisons today. Just the ones that were sitting on my desk. Okay. I have a lot of blue inks in pens. 


Copy Paper Test

Video Review and Water Test

This is a pretty solid ink, even if I'm not totally sold on it. It's an interesting darkish blue that's not quite a blue-black, and it has some (really mild) water resistance. It flows pretty well, though it's a little on the dry side. That just means that you should use it in your pens that tend to run wet. It'll tame them and make them more usable.

You can find it at Anderson Pens (and almost nowhere else in the US)  in a 60ml bottle or a 3ml sample. If you get some, tell them I said "Hi!"

***The ink for this review was provided for free, but all opinions expressed are mine alone. No money changes hands, no expectations are expressed, and I'm not an employee.***

Rohrer & Klingner Salix

Man. This is a review that I've been meaning to post for a long time. I've been using this ink for years, and I've had this review sitting in my stack of reviews for a long time. I have no real idea how long. Anyway, thanks to the YouTube viewer who suggested that I compare this ink to Akkerman #7. They look similar on the page, but that's where the similarity ends. You'll see the comparison at the end of the post.

There are lots of things to like about this particular ink. It's a cheerful blue color when you first lay it down, and it changes to another interesting blue color as it ages. I tried to catch this color transformation in time-lapse the other day (and you can see it in the video at the bottom of the review), but I don't have the patience to leave the video going for long enough to see a huge change. It does happen, though.

Another positive thing is the water-resistance that Salix has. It's an iron gall ink, so it's got instant water-resistance. Very helpful for those of you who are worried about your words being washed away. This stuff is permanent.

It's also going to behave well on crappy papers. No bleeding, feathering, or other nonsense. It even works on good paper (like this Rhodia)! Hooray for consistent behavior!

Speaking of behavior, it's an ink that I know will work even in pens that I think have problems. My VP isn't great, and I don't love it, but this ink makes it useable in a way that other inks haven't allowed.

Long story short, get this one. It's rad.

Written Review!


This one is on the copy paper. I just thought it looked nice, so I left it in this section.

 Check out the difference between these two colors. That's the color-shift I was talking about. The Custom 74 bit was just written when I took the photos, and the VP section has been on the paper for a long while. Months, probably. Cool, right?

The photo below shows what little sheen this ink has. You're unlikely to see that on regular paper or from regular nibs.


This was written so long ago that I'd kinda forgotten about many of these inks. It's a walk down memory lane!

Copy Paper Test!

 It doesn't really get any better than this. Perfect performance.


A Requested Comparison!

 As I said, these two look a bit alike on the page. Aside from that passing resemblance, though, they ain't much alike. The chromatography shows the huge difference. So do the water tests and such. For me, Salix wins.

Video Review and Water Test!

So, go get a bottle (or a sample) of this ink. You're gonna like it, though, so pony up for the bottle.

I bought this. All endorsements and opinions are my own.
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