October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and here's a pink ink to celebrate.
I'm not sure what the genesis of this ink's name is, but it certainly fits this month.
I don't use a lot of pink ink. It's a fine color, but I put pinks in two pens this month to use for grading in honor of this month's national theme. Hope pink is the one that I used most. I'm actually pretty sure that this ink came in the first Goulet Ink Drop that I ever got. It was in with Private Reserve's Chocolate, and I think that was the first ink that I ever wrote a review of. It's not a very good review, and I really ought to re-visit those early inks.
Hope Pink is a really bright pink. It's vividly pink, but not painful to look at. I have been using it to grade some of my student's homework, and it behaves itself very well on even the cheapest-feeling papers that students use for their homework. It doesn't seem to bleed, feather, or spread.
You'll notice that the paper I wrote this review on is a bit different from the stuff I usually use. It's not Rhodia, it's from Staples, and it's their EcoEasy sugarcane paper. It's really the only recycled paper that I've used which is good for fountain pens. The dry-times on this paper are really long, but you don't get any bleed or show-through on this stuff.
Check out the sheen in these smear photos. It was a bit difficult to get my camera to focus on that part of the page, but you can clearly see it in the photos above. I didn't see that in my regular writing, but if I were to be writing with a really broad or wet nib I might see it.
Overall, I recommend this ink if you're wanting a bright pink. It's excellent.
Here's the video from my review and water test. I'll post a spoiler pic beneath it. (Scroll carefully if you don't want to spoil the results.)
I'm not sure what the genesis of this ink's name is, but it certainly fits this month.
I don't use a lot of pink ink. It's a fine color, but I put pinks in two pens this month to use for grading in honor of this month's national theme. Hope pink is the one that I used most. I'm actually pretty sure that this ink came in the first Goulet Ink Drop that I ever got. It was in with Private Reserve's Chocolate, and I think that was the first ink that I ever wrote a review of. It's not a very good review, and I really ought to re-visit those early inks.
Hope Pink is a really bright pink. It's vividly pink, but not painful to look at. I have been using it to grade some of my student's homework, and it behaves itself very well on even the cheapest-feeling papers that students use for their homework. It doesn't seem to bleed, feather, or spread.
You'll notice that the paper I wrote this review on is a bit different from the stuff I usually use. It's not Rhodia, it's from Staples, and it's their EcoEasy sugarcane paper. It's really the only recycled paper that I've used which is good for fountain pens. The dry-times on this paper are really long, but you don't get any bleed or show-through on this stuff.
Check out the sheen in these smear photos. It was a bit difficult to get my camera to focus on that part of the page, but you can clearly see it in the photos above. I didn't see that in my regular writing, but if I were to be writing with a really broad or wet nib I might see it.
Overall, I recommend this ink if you're wanting a bright pink. It's excellent.
Here's the video from my review and water test. I'll post a spoiler pic beneath it. (Scroll carefully if you don't want to spoil the results.)