This is a quick little review of an ink that I've only used for a little while. Delta Orange came with a great pen trade from @RandomThinks on Instagram. I actually can't find this ink online at any of my usual sites, so perhaps it's out of production? Anyway, here's the quick review of this one. It's an ink that might be best used as a highlighter ink. Maybe? Anyway, I think it's too pale for most regular uses. A little more saturation would have been great on this ink, but it's no Oranje Boven.
Written Review
Close Ups!
It almost looks like there's a little bit of sheen at the edges of the swatch, but it's hardly noticeable.
Ink Comparisons
Copy Paper Test
One thing I can say in this ink's favor is that it behaves really well on copy paper. It's still too light to use, though, I think.
Chromatography water resistance for this one, I'm guessing. (Watch the video, anyway. ;-) )
Video Review and Water Drop Test
This one is a pass, for me. I'm just not a fan. Of course, maybe I'm not the only one if the stores that carry Delta don't have this ink available. Since I don't have a source to send you to, there's no link to a vendor on this post.