Toucan's Gold is an interesting ink. It's the sort of ink that I'm on the fence about. It's a cool color, but it's just barely dark enough to use in most cases. I think it gets darker as it dries, but it still pretty light. If it were only a bit darker it would be in contention for one of the great oranges. Maybe darken it up a bit by mixing it with one of the other Toucan inks?
Written Review
Color Comparisons
Yeah, I don't have any other gold inks to compare this one to. At least not now. It's lighter than Apache Sunset and Habanero, and I think it's just a little darker than
Copy Paper Test
Water Drop Test and Video Review
Toucan Gold is an interesting ink. I'd love to know what you would use it for.
You can (only) find bags and samples over at Anderson Pens. A 60ml bag goes for $10. They're out of the full size at press time, but check out a sample, at least.
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The ink for this review was provided free of charge by Anderson Pens. The review was all mine, however.