Looking a little more blue on my screen than it appears in real life. |
This is the other ink in the Caran d'Ache collection that I wasn't sure I would like. It's a dark blue, and I just didn't think that it was very interesting from the swatch. It turns out, though, that it's a pretty good ink. The color is sort of a blue-black, but it also has a sort of dusty look to it. Like an older blackboard that has seen a lot of chalk, but someone cared enough about it to wash it a bit and spruce it up. In fact, the more I used it, the more I liked it.
The behavior of this ink is a real winner. It didn't feather or spread even from the big Christoph nib. That's a lot of ink hitting the page, but this ink maintained tight lines and didn't bleed through significantly.
Close Ups
The chromatography betrays the grey that will stick around, and the violet/blue that will wash away. Interesting color combination with these.
Copy Paper Test
See? Good work, Caran d'Ache.
The price of this ink keeps me from issuing a strong "BUY!" recommendation, but you should get a sample or some cartridges to see if you like it.
Check this ink out at Anderson Pens and other fine retailers.
Water Test and Video Review
This ink sticks around on the page, but it doesn't stick around as a blue. It remains in a grey form that doesn't really look bad at all. Maybe a great ink for ink-wash folks?
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The ink for this review was provided free of charge by Anderson Pens. The review was all mine, however.